The latest versions of the WRAP programs can be downloaded from a Microsoft OneDrive site by clicking the link provided below.
The HEC-DSSVue software and user’s manual can be downloaded from the USACE Hydrologic Engineering Center website.
The dates of the latest versions of the eight WRAP programs are shown in parenthesis in the following list of programs.
WinWRAP Windows interface for WRAP programs and data files (July 2022)
SIM Monthly simulation model (July 2022)
SIMD Daily simulation model (July 2022)
TAB Program TABLES for organizing simulation results (July 2022)
HYD Compiling/updating monthly hydrology datasets (May 2019)
DAY Daily routing parameter statistical calibration (July 2018)
DAYH Daily routing parameter optimization calibration (August 2013)
SALT Salinity simulation ( July 2010)
All eight of the WRAP programs (executable files with filename extension exe) are stored together at the download site in a compressed zip file with filename Alternatively, the executable programs can be downloaded individually.
The executable programs (filename extension exe) should be stored together in the same folder on your computer. If downloaded as the single zip file, the exe files should be extracted from the zip file. The programs can be executed through WinWRAP as explained in “Chapter 2 WinWRAP Interface” of the Fundamentals Manual. Only those programs that will be actually used need to be stored in the same folder on your computer. Most applications of the modeling system employ only WinWRAP, SIM, and TABLES (TAB).